


Why nature takes your stress away?

If there is one thing in the world that can bring the peace, calmness, and serenity you are looking for, it is nature. Have you ever wondered why walking in a park or a wooded area always seems to calm your whole being? There is a certain grandeur to nature that manages to influence the way people think, feel, and do. Reconnecting with it transcribes into reconnecting with the inner you.

This, however, will not happen overnight. Most people use nature to their advantage each time they want to recharge. But, for certain individuals, a walk in the park now and then is not enough. They want more, and frankly, so should you!

Charging your body with energy from the ground can contribute to much nourishment and improved mental health. The way you heal, the way you treat yourself, everything is possible if you simply let nature take you on a journey. Allow it to become your spiritual guide, dialogue with nature, and get a firm grasp of who you truly are.

In essence, nature can profoundly impact your overall quality of life. According to research (, it is more than just a stress relief – it affects the entire autonomous nervous system, resulting in a better and happier you.

Here is how you can do more than just recharge. This is what happens when you spend more time in nature:

  •  You get to reconnect with yourself. If a serene environment is what you need to get in touch with yourself once again, then you can easily achieve that by frequently going out and spending time in nature. Replace the sound of the keyboard typing with the sound of the trees. Feel how the roots have stood their ground for many years, and do the same yourself. Lift yourself and become strong.

  • Connect with nature too. The fascinating bit about nature is that it works in particular patterns. Once you start spending some more time in nature, you will see how it applies to you too. After some time, you will start getting in touch with your natural rhythm. As a result, you will become more resilient and able to fight off the stress and anxiety that everyday life brings.

  • Remove yourself from a digital environment. All the information we receive during the day tends to come at us at a high pace. Losing the ability to concentrate may come with great risk – forgetting something important or neglecting a vital aspect of your life. The entire mental health is impacted by this, wreaking havoc in your life. Consider recharging in nature as the touch of softness, allowing your mind to rest.

If you found this article educational, you can connect with us! Laura Festa is presenting on Saturday at the Beijing Wellness Festival and also delivers sessions in parks on Tuesdays.


Join Laura on Tuesdays 19.00 - 20.00 in person for group sessions


Connect with Laura for a 40 minutes chemistry session: 


Wechat ID:  lauraluolan


Facebook: Laura Festa


Are you looking for a coach? BMC Academy trained coaches are there to support you using mindfulness-based approach. Visit our Coach Directory to schedule a chemistry call.

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