


Post COVID Recovery Tips


In the second decade of the 21st century have been zig-zagging along the lockdowns, staying away from parks and social events and protecting each other from infections. Everything humanity stands for became a threat: gatherings, hugging and handshakes, travelling, exercise in gyms and yoga studios, business innovation and planning. We locked ourselves into the screens and began the journey of virtual existence. 

We are at the doorstep of 2023, and just like every other year, you might be spending time with your friends and family, coming forth with hope and wishes, and setting new objectives for the year ahead. A broken economy and fatigue from interrupted plans may suddenly shift to eagerness to work, be productive, reset our lifestyles and finally return to the 'normal.'

With hopes that all your dreams and wishes finally receive conditions for fruition, look at the well-being tips below (including WHO article) and learn how to navigate through post-COVID recovery:

Your body needs time to recover. Starting small is not only necessary but also wise. Observe how your energy shifts and make sure you disengage your inner judge who is ready to criticize you for being weak, lazy, insecure or lacking confidence. Drink fluids and ensure you eat vitamin-rich foods. Observe how trees come back to life - what is your transition cycle? Don't expect you to be in top form just because your mind can envision a new life.

Your mind needs to warm up. Just like when you begin to exercise after a long break, your mind will need to prepare for the mental activities that are somewhat new: long-term planning, socializing or similar. Bring some sunshine to your mind by noticing micro-moments of joy:

  • A beautiful flower.

  • A cloud on drifting away on a blue sky.

  • A song that brings good memories.

  • A soothing hug from a good friend or your partner.

Make sure you avoid conversations with much criticism (and conspiracy theories) and bring toxic energy to you. 

Your emotions might be erratic. Make sure you give space to numbness, loneliness, fear, and anxiety. These emotions have most likely been with you for quite a while now. Give space for their release as you give space to other emotions. Notice the range of emotions - on a scale from 1 - 10. What is their intensity? Consider hiring a coach to help you work through those you rate six and above. For milder emotional charge, you can talk to a trusted friend or use journaling for self-reflection. 

Below, take a look at the WHO post-COVID guide, it will help you monitor what is going on and make sense of how you are adjusting to life from this experience.

Please share this article with as many people as you think it could help. 

BMC Academy coaches are available to provide assistance during those difficult times, please check our coach directory.

Thank you for reading until here.

BMC Coaches and I wish you all a happy New Year, 

May you be healthy and resilient, may smiles welcome you into 2023

Dalida Turkovic